Affiliated to Purbanchal University
Duration : 4 years
Entry Requirement: As per rule of MEC
Total Intake: 40
Background and Goal
Revolution in modern information technology and science has made the world a smaller place with all countries within easy reach. Access to quality education, health care services, quality food, shelter and social security with the provision of all the necessary services have been become the essential needs of the common people even in developing countries. Access to quality health education and services as more than any other factor, significantly improved the quality of life in the western world. The improvement in the quality of life has stemmed from a substantial public and private sectors investment on health education and services over a long period of time. It is universally recognized that until and unless a country can produce the high quality and adequate human health manpower at various levels needed by the country, it is inconceivable to bring the intended qualitative improvement in the health sector. The production of high quality human resources in health sector at various levels must be based on the need and priority of the country.
Nepal faces a major challenge in providing even the basic health care services to its population. The main limiting factor in meeting this challenge is the severe lack of health workers at various levels i.e. junior, medium and higher levels. A large number of junior and medium level nursing and public health workers are needed to deliver the basic health services to the people at various levels (community, district, regional and national). The present rate of the production of nursing bachelors relating to the need of the country is so small that it may take many decades to meet the present demand of the country.
Purbanchal University envisages contributing towards the noble goal of providing quality health services and improving people’s health through the production of nursing professionals and graduates required by the country through its several affiliated colleges.
B.Sc. nursing program to prepare competent nurse midwife with advanced knowledge, competent skill and positive attitude in the areas of hospital, midwifery and community health nursing.
At the B.Sc. level the major focus is placed on family, reproductive health, midwifery, hospital and community health nursing, which prepares competent nurse midwives who will be capable leaders in different capacities as educator, manager, researcher, care provider and change agent in the society to promote healthy life style throughout the life span of a person. Throughout the curriculum the nursing process is integrated for the provision of quality nursing care/management of an individual, group, family and community.
Purposes of BSN Programme
The bachelor in nursing program (B.Sc.) aims to prepare competent professional nurses in education, administration and services in respective level of health programs, which includes problem identification, planning, implementing and evaluating. Such graduates can serve in various types of positions at national, regional, zonal, district and local levels. Such graduates will be needed in various kinds of governmental or non- governmental health agencies, communities, hospitals, schools, campuses and institutions. Other areas may involve special responsibilities e.g. working directly with local communities and individuals, working primarily with school teachers, administrative, health education services and preparing health workers in nursing fields. In general, B.Sc. nursing graduates will be able to carry out the responsibilities of various health institutions as a nursing officer/faculty/basic level researcher and care provider.
The graduate in nurses will be thoroughly acquainted with the present trends, advanced technology in health care system, changing concepts of life style pattern and the expanding role and responsibilities of nurse midwife in providing health services.
- Each individual is unique bio-psychological and spiritual being with capacity to think and adopt towards wholeness/comprehensive approach.
- Environment conducive to learning can be adopted
- The prevention of illness, promotion of health, care of sick and rehabilitation are the responsibilities of individual, group, family, community and nation.
- Nursing is a dynamic process, which focuses on need based, problem solving and decision making in all nursing care activities by emphasizing on nursing process.
- Each learner has the capacity to change if encouraged and guided towards positive health practices and the self directed learning.
- Leadership in nursing is to have a clear vision of institutional and national goal which demonstrate problem solving and decision making at all levels of health care system.
Objectives of the program
General objectives
The general objective of the B.Sc. nursing program is to produce competent graduates basic with advanced knowledge and practical skills necessary to deliver high quality health services needed for the country. Especially, the program entails the following general objectives:
- Provide basic and advanced knowledge and practical skills in nursing science covering Primary Health Care.
- Develop skills in health system research and management
- Equip nursing professionals with communication and group organization skills for promoting community participation in health and development activities ultimately leading to the individual and community self reliance in obtaining health services and improvement in health status.
- Management issues, concerns and problems.
- Enable nursing health professionals to deal with the existing realities in health Foster positive attitude of health professionals to encourage them for providing accessible and equitable nursing services for disadvantaged groups and communities.
- Develop the leadership capabilities of nursing professionals in the management of nursing services at various levels of health programs.
- Enhance the vocational competence of nursing professionals through advanced education in health strategies, health promotion and health programming.
- Prepare professionals to be creative innovative in preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative aspect of care according to scientific advancement and the trend of the day.
- Enhance competence in teaching learning process as self directed learner.
Specific Objectives
Upon the completion of four years Bachelor of Science in Nursing Course, the graduates will be able to achieve the following objectives:
- Communicate effectively with individual, group, family, community and society.
- Apply the knowledge of nursing process for providing quality nursing care and service using the principle of basic science and concepts of social and behavior sciences.
- Identify the socio cultural and economical status, which affects the health and development of the clients and the society.
- Apply the knowledge and principles of Family Reproductive Health (FRH) and Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC) in planning, programming, supervision, monitoring and evaluating process for promotion and maintenance of the client’s health.
- Make appropriate decision in all activities by critical analysis to bring suitable changes in their work environment.
- Demonstrate effective teaching learning skill in formal and non formal educational activities in different settings.
- Identify need based simple researchable problems and conduct research on it.
- Recognize the importance of personal and professional goal, growth and development.
- Apply the epidemiological concept and principles in order to solve individual, family and community health problems.
- Utilize the principles and concepts of nursing foundations theories and models in providing nursing and midwifery services.
- Recognize mental health conditions and provide holistic care the clients.
- Provide effective care and services to the client in preventing, promotive, curative and rehabilitative aspect of care throughout life span.
Duration of the Course
This course has been designed for four academic year’s bachelor in nursing science.
Commencement of the Course
Usually, academic year starts from September in each year. Notice for Application for entrance examination is published (National Newspaper) by Purbanchal University tentatively in July -August each year. Applicant should submit the application form in particular PU affiliated College. Entrance exam is conducted by the University itself. Usually, new session start from September-October.
Teaching Learning Methods
Various methods of teaching learning will be used in participatory approach. Lecture, discussion, group discussion, demonstration, self directed learning, problem based learning observation, practical, written assignments, project work, term paper, group presentation as per need of the subject taught.
Formative Evaluation
Theory subjects
Internal assessment 20%
- Class test
- Project work
- Written assignment/presentation
Clinical subject practicum
Internal assessment 50%
- Performance evaluation
- Case study/presentation
- Client teaching/classroom teaching
- Project work presentation
- Report presentation
Final evaluation
Final written examination 80% (Short answer essay questions and MCQs)
Final practical examination 50% (OSPE/OSCE/Viva)
Overview of bachelor science in nursing programme (BSN-Curriculum)
BSN: First Year
SN | Code No | Course Title | Hours | Marks | |
Theory | Practical | ||||
1 | BSN101 | Anatomy and physiology | 120 | 80 | 100 |
2 | BSN102 | Biochemistry | 50 | 30 | 50 |
3 | BSN 103 | Microbiology/Parasitology | 50 | 30 | 50 |
4 | BSN104 | Pathophysiology | 50 | 30 | 50 |
5 | BSN105 | Pharmacology | 50 | 30 | 50 |
6 | BSN 106 | Nutrition and Dietetics | 50 | 30 | 50 |
7 | BSN107 | Foundation of nursing | 150 | 420 | 100+100 |
8 | BSN108 | Community health nursing | 100 | 200 | 100+100 |
Total | 620 | 850 | 750 |
Clinical/ field, hours and week Distribution
- Foundation of nursing: 12weeks x5dayx30hrs/week= 360 +40
- Practice in Laboratory: 5weeks x30hrs/week=150 ( pharmacy, nutrition department & pathophysiology lab)
- Community Health Nursing: 6wks x5day x30hr/week=180+20hrs=200
- Theory: 7hrs/day and 6 days/week=36 hrs per week.
Duty: 10weeks morning, 2weeks evening.
BSN Second Year
S.N | Code No | Course Title | Hours | Marks | ||
Theory | Practical | |||||
1 | BSN201 | Nursing concepts and theory | 50 | – | 50 | |
2 | BSN202 | Adult health nursing-I (medical/Surgical) | 150 | 300 | 100+100 | |
3 | BSN 203 | Adult health nursing-II
(E.E.N.T,OT,Cancer,Emergency) |
100 | 300 | 100+100 | |
4 | BSN204 | Mental health nursing | 100 | 200 | 100+100 | |
5 | BSN205 | Community health nursing | 100 | 200 | 100+100 | |
6 | BSN 206 | Medical sociology/Anthropology | 50 | – | 50 | |
Total | 550 | 1000 | 900 | |||
Clinical/fields practice:
– Adult health nursing-I: 10wksx5dx30hr/week=300
Morning duty=6weeks
Evening duty= 2weeks
Night duty = 2weeks
– Adult health nursing II: 10wksx5dx30hrs/week=300
4weeks: operation theatre
2weeks: cancer/oncology
2weeks: Emergency
2weeks: EENT
– Mental health nursing: 6weeksx6dx6hrs/week=200hrs
– Geriatric Nursing: 2 weeksx6dx6hrs/week=72hrs
– Community health nursing 6weeksx5dx30hrs/week=200hrs (F.P, MCH, School/industrial health)
BSN: Third Year
S.N | Code No | Course Title | Hours | Marks | ||
Theory | Practical | |||||
1 | BSN301 | Child health nursing | 100 | 180 | 100+100 | |
2 | BSN302 | Obstetric nursing I( Midwifery) | 100 | 150 | 100+100 | |
3 | BSN 303 | Obstetric nursing II(Midwifery) | 100 | 150 | 100+100 | |
4 | BSN304 | Obstetric nursing III(Postnatal & Gynae) | 100 | 200 | 100+100 | |
5 | BSN305 | Community health nursing | 100 | 200 | 100+100 | |
6 | BSN 306 | Basic Epidemiology | 50 | – | 50 | |
Total | 550 | 880 | 1050 | |||
Clical/Field practice
- Child health nursing: 4weeksx5dx30hrs/wk= 163 +17hrs
2weeks Morning 1week Evening 1week Night (11hrs/night)
- Obstetric nursing I (Antenatal) : 4weeks Morning(5d)x30=120 +30hrs
- Obstetric nursing II(Labour):
2wks x(5d) x30= 60 hrs Morning,
1wk (5d) x30hrs/wk=30,
1wk Night x11hrs/night=55.
- Obstetric nursing III (Postnatal):
2wksx30hrs/wk=60hrs Morning,
1wks x30hrs Evening
- Obstetric nursing III (Gynae):
1wk Morning, 1wk Evening, 1wk Night
- Community health nursing III: 4weeks field, 1wk: DPHO, 1wk: presentation & report submit
BSN: Fourth Year
S.N | Code No | Course Title | Hours | Marks | |||
Theory | Practical | ||||||
1 | BSN 401 | Nursing research & Biostatistics | 100 | 300 | 100+100 | ||
2 | BSN 402 | Educational Science | 100 | 300 | 100+100 | ||
3 | BSN 403 | Leadership &management | 100 | 300 | 100+100 | ||
4 | BSN 404 | Advance nursing | 300 | 100 | |||
Total | 300 | 1200 | 700 | ||||
Clinical/Field practicum:
– Leadership & management: 6weeks 2 weeks Morning, hospital 1wk Evening, hospital 1wk Night hospital 1wk Campus management, 1wk observation: (NAN, NNC, DPHO, NHTC, Family health division, District hospital) – 10 weeks Research practicum – 8 weeks Teaching Learning practicum – 8 weeks Advance nursing practicum: cardiac unit/neurological unit/urological unit/cancer. |