Post Basic Bachelor in Nursing (PBN)

Affiliated to Purbanchal University

Duration: 3 years

Entry Requirement : PCL nursing in minimum second division with 1 year work experience

Total Intake: 40


Background and the Goal

Access to quality education, health care services, quality food, shelter and social security with the provision of all the necessary services, have become the essential needs of the common people in the developed countries whereas these, very essential needs have become the exclusive privileges of the wealthy and affluent class in most of the developing countries. Access to quality health education and services has, more than any other factor, significantly improved the quality of life in the western world. The improvement in the quality of life has stemmed from a substantial public and private sectors investment on health education and services over a long period of time. It is universally recognized that until and unless a country can produce the high quality and adequate human health resources at various levels, needed by the country, it is inconceivable to bring the intended qualitative improvement in the health sector. The production of high quality human resources in health sector, at various levels, must be based on the country’s needs and the priority.

Nepal faces a major challenge in providing the basic health care services let alone provides the high quality health services to its population. One of the most limiting factors in meeting this challenge is the severe lack of health workers at various levels ranging from junior, medium to higher levels. A large number of junior and medium level Nursing and Public health workers are needed to deliver the basic health services to the people at various levels (community, district, regional and national). The country’s health situation and the indicators of health revealed that the production of middle level nursing professionals and graduates at various levels was planned to provide essential preventive, curative, promotive and rehabilitative quality care services.

Nursing education in Nepal dates back to 1956 as a formal institution, and is one of the oldest educations in health field, but University level education in nursing was initiated only in late 1972 at the Institute of Medicine, offering proficiency certificate level (PCL), it took another couple of years to begin Bachelor of Nursing program in Nepal. The bachelor nursing curriculum of the Institute of Medicine, under the Tribhuvan University was designed to upgrade those nurses who already had PCL nursing and working experience. With the increase of PCL nursing the demand for bachelor nursing was felt and apart from the TU other Universities also opened bachelors nursing programs.

However the demand for nurses holding bachelor’s degree is ever rising. Purbanchal University was the first to give affiliation to cooperative and Private for starting Bachelor Nursing. The initial 2 years course has been implementing up to 2068 academic year considering the need of International and national academic standard, the curriculum is revised and developed from two academic years to three academic years and which will be implemented from academic year 2069/70. In this three years curriculum some additional subject including elective subjects and hours have been included to make competent with new trends in nursing field for providing qualitative nursing care to people in country. It is more focused on advanced Midwifery course, for providing qualitative midwifery care in order to support National Millennium Development Goal of country.

 Purpose of the Programme

The Post Basic Bachelor in Nursing Program (PBN) aims to prepare professional nursing with specialty in midwifery, hospital, Psychiatric and community nursing sectors with:-

  • The highest possible technical and managerial competence in respective level of health programs, including problem identification
  • Planning, implementing, training, health education, evaluation and research such specialists can serve in various types of positions at national and international level.

 The PBN curriculum mainly consists of following four specialized (Elective) areas

Midwifery: There is a high demand of midwifery graduate nurses in the area of women’s health, infant care and the reproductive health care of the women. Government of Nepal has placed a high priority in midwifery care. Till now, this core area has not been sufficiently developed by any institution and, hence, the course is the pioneer one.

Community nursing: It is another major elective area for nursing graduates. It aims to impart the necessary knowledge, understanding and the skills in the graduates to provide health care and services at the community level and closely link with the public health policies and processes of comprehensive primary health care approach.

Hospital nursing: This is another highly demanding (elective) area for nursing graduates. The graduates with specialized knowledge in hospital nursing are expected to work, manage and provide health care services in the hospitals or any health care institution at all levels.

Psychiatric Nursing: This is another highly demanding (elective) area for Psychiatric Nursing graduates at national and International market. The graduates with specialized knowledge and skill in Psychiatric nursing are expected to work, manage and provide mental health services / counselling services in the hospitals, community and any other social work sector.

 General objectives of the Programme

The general objective of the PBN program is to produce competent graduates with advanced knowledge and practical skills necessary to deliver high quality health services needed for the country. Specifically, the program entails the following general objectives:

  • Provide advanced knowledge and practical skills in nursing science covering Primary Health Care for nursing graduates.
  • Develop skills in measurement, design, analysis and evaluation for applied nursing sciences, health system research and management
  • Equip with communication and group organization skills for promoting community participation in health and development.
  • Enable nursing health professionals to deal with the existing realities in health management issues, concerns and problems
  • Develop the leadership capabilities of nursing professionals in the management of nursing
  • Services at various levels’ health programs.
    • Sound scientific knowledge as a base for practice
    • Competent skills in providing nursing care to diversion group of people either in community or
  • in a specialized hospital
    • Broad knowledge in the field of health at national and international level
    • Prepared to be able to teach at nursing school providing PCL\ANM level courses with
  • Application of educational psychology.

Programme Structure

The Post-Basic Bachelor in Nursing (PBN) program was initially designed for 2 academic years, with the demand of students and also to keep pace with international standard it has been re-structured to make it of three academic years.

Major addition on three years courses in the program was Bio-medical Science, Oncology, and Gerontology. In total the program consists of One Hundred Seventy Four (174) credit hours (includes theory + Practice), Elective subject Psychiatric Nursing 150 hours and 9 credit and also added the Professional English of non-credit hours. To compete with the demand of new technology in field of medicine some of the assisted therapies are added; hemodialysis, patient care with ventilator, neurological assessment (GCS) etc. Also review and restructure of hours, credit and marks based on the subjects, as well as National policy and strategy has followed.

One Credit equals 16 lecture hours in theory and one credit hour of practical is equivalent to 32 hours of practical.

 Duration of the Course

The course has been designed for three (3) academic years in Post Basic Bachelor in Nursing (PBN).

 Admission Criteria

  • Entrance examination as per rule of Purbanchal University; one paper carrying one hundred and fifty marks (50 marks of English and 100 marks of Nursing Science related with problem solving and concern major subject/area).
  • Objective type of question will be used and three hours (3hr.) of time will be allotted for examination.
  • The candidates should secure at least 50 percent marks to pass. The candidates will be selected on merit basis.

 Eligibility for Enrolment

The candidates should have pass: Proficiency Certificate Level of Nursing securing minimum second division in aggregate from any recognized institute, at least one year working experience at any relevant Health Institution. Must passed Entrance Examination conducted by Purbanchal University.

Admission Procedure

Usually, academic year starts from September in each year.  Notice for Application for entrance examination is published (National Newspaper) by Purbanchal University tentatively in July -August each year. Applicant should submit the application form in particular PU affiliated College.  Entrance exam is conducted by the University itself. Usually, new session start from September-October.

 Teaching Learning Methods

A number of effective and participatory teachings learning methods will be employed to facilitate innovative learning but the choice of methods will be depend on nature of subject and situation. The following are more frequently used

  • Interactive lecture using multimedia, white board, Smart Board and overhead projector
  • Learning process through interaction, group discussion, observation, demonstration and brain storming.
  • Assignments; written assignments in a group and individual presentation.
  • Observation visit, practical assignment, term paper will be used in practical learning,
  • As well as employed in a participatory sprit and Self-directed and problem based learning approach will be applied both in theory and practice.


The course evaluation system consists of two components namely: internal assessment and the final examination and the following percentages have been assigned:


  • 20 % marks from Internal Assessment
  • 80% marks final examination


  • 100% from Internal Assessment (there is no provision for final practical exam till today )

A student has to get minimum 50 % mark in theory and 60 % marks in practical separately to pass the subject. All practical evaluation is done during practical period by using evaluation tools developed by Purbnchal University.

 Course Overview: Post-Basic Bachelor in Nursing

 PBN 1st Year: Distribution of Hours and Marks


Theory Practical
Hours Marks Hours Marks
1 101 Anatomy and Physiology 100 (6) 100      
2 102 Pharmacology 50 (3) 50      
3 103 Pathophysiology 50 (3) 50      
4 104 Microbiology/Para cytology/


50 (3) 50
5 105 Biochemistry 50 (3) 50      
6 106 Nutrition and Dietetics 50 (3) 50      
  107 Basic Science / Nutrition


180 -5wks (5) 100
7 108 Medical Surgical Nursing 100 (6) 100  
8 109 Medical Surgical Nursing 0-10 wks (11) 100
9 110 Theories and Principles of


100 (6) 100  
10 111 Child Health Nursing 100 (6) 100  
11 112 Child Health Nursing 168-4wks (5) 100  
12 113 Behavioural Science 50 50  
13 Professional English 50 50 ( IA)  
  750 -18 wks


750 708/19/(21) 300 1458


PBN 2nd year: Distribution of Hours and Marks





Theory Practical


Hours Marks Hours Marks
1 201 Midwifery -I(T) 100(6) 100
2 202 Midwifery -I(P) 252-7wks(8) 100
3 203 Community Health Nursing -(T) 100(6) 100
4 Community Health Nursing -(P) 252-7 wks (8) 100
5 205 Psychiatric Nursing (T) 50 (3) 50
6 206 Psychiatric Nursing (P) 144-4wks(5) 50
7 207 Educational Science (T) 100(6) 100
8 208 Educational Science (P) 252-7 wks (8) 100
9 209 Epidemiology (T) 50 (3) 50
10 210 Gerontology and Geriatric Nursing (T) 50 (3) 50
11 211 Gerontology and Geriatric Nursing (P) 72-2wks-(2) 50
  Applied Computer Technology (T+P) 50 50
      500(27) 500 972-27 wks (31) 400 1472

 PBN 3rd Year: Distribution of Hours and Marks







Theory Practical


Hours Marks Hours Marks
1 301 Leadership and Management 100 (6) 100      
2 302 Leadership and Management(P) 252-7 wks(8) 100


3 303 Research and Biostatistics in Nursing 100 (6) 100  
4 304 Research and Biostatistics in Nursing 324-9wks(10) 100  
5 305 Oncology Nursing 50 (3) 50  
6 306 Oncology Nursing (P) 72-2wks(2) 50  
7 307 Elective Subject

a-Community Health Nsg-II

b-Midwifery-II and Gynaecology Nursing

c-Medical Surgical Nursing

d-Psychiatric Nursing

150 (9) 150


8 308 Elective subject Practicum 432-12wks


400(24) 400 1080- 30 wks


400 1480


Note: Theory classes 7 hours a day; Practicum 6 hours/day M & E, 12 hours/ Night. Figures in the bracket indicated credit hours